AGM Notice


Notice is hereby given that the


will be held at the Parkside Hall, Ampthill

on Saturday, 27th September, 2025 at 3:00pm

To which your attendance is earnestly requested.


  1. Reading of the notice convening the meeting.

  2. Apologies for absence.

  3. Minutes of the meeting held on 21st September, 2024.

  4. Matters Arising.

  5. Chairman's Report.

  6. Treasurer's Report for the year ending 31st December, and Interim Report for current year.

  7. Notice of motions.

  8. Elections of Officers and Committee.

    1. Chairman.
    2. Vice-Chairman.
    3. Centre Secretary.
    4. Treasurer.
    5. Rally Secretary.
    6. P.R.O.
    7. Social Secretary.
    8. Committee.
  9. Any other business.

  10. Date, place and time of next AGM.


  1. As required by Rule 5C governing Centres, nominations for Executive Officer and Committee must be received by the Centre Secretary no later than FOURTEEN DAYS BEFORE the meeting.

  2. Incomplete or late nominations cannot be accepted.

  3. Notices of motion must be received in writing by the Centre Secretary not later than 35 days before the meeting.

  4. Only Full, Family and Joint Members are entitled to speak and vote, although the Club constitution does not forbid the admission of wives and other persons of the members families.

  5. The position at the AGM is that ALL OFFICE POSITIONS and places on the COMMITTEE are vacant, but each Officer and Member of the Committee may be nominated for re-election.

  6. Full, Family and Joint members MUST produce their current Membership Cards in order to collect their AGM/Ballot Papers.

  7. Members requiring a copy of the minutes and balance sheet before the meeting please contact the Secretary (enclosing a stamped addressed envelope with their request).

  8. Nomination Slips can be found in the separate insert or on our website.